Como limpar e cuidar dos tecidos do seu sofá para que durem mais tempo. Texland

This is how you maintain the quality of the fabrics, especially the sofa!

Good maintenance of any type of fabric is the secret to longevity! No one buys a sofa thinking that it is an investment for just one year or a pie...
5 tecidos para forrar os seus sofás - Texland

5 Fabrics to cover your sofa

Tecidos para Forrar e Estofar
Are you unsure about what type of fabric you should choose to cover your sofa? These are the 5 ideal fabrics: Sofas are one of the most importan...
Napa Sintética várias cores _ blog _ texland

Synthetic Napa: the versatile fabric you are looking for

Tecidos para Forrar e Estofar

Advantages of Napa? Here they are:

  • More economical alternative compared to materials such as leather;
  • Highly versatile;
  • Waterproof and easy to maintain;
  • The use of Napa does not involve animal suffering;

At Textand we offer nappa in various colors so you can bring your various projects to life, click here to see the available colors.